Thursday, April 7, 2011

Refashion: Men's T-Shirt into a Women's Summer Top

We're having a rummage sale this summer, and the other day I asked my manfriend if he had anything he wanted to get rid of. I was thinking something along the lines of unused tools, excess doors, boxes of woodworking magazines from the '70s...
"Not really," he said.
"Okey dokey."
Well, low and behold nary a week later what do I find on top of one of the rummage boxes (note that they were not IN the boxes), but four men's T-shirts! One was pretty manky, one had a beer logo on it, one had a sport logo on it, but one T-shirt was a perfectly usable, lovely blue T-shirt. The shirt would probably draw a healthy .50 at the rummage sale if the right buyer came along, but I can hardly pass up a perfectly good T-shirt, can I? (I can't, and this is probably something for which I should seek therapy)
So, shortly after Things 1, 2, and 3 were in bed I got to work and went from this:

To this!
I know, I know. the coloring and lighting is really bad. But I had to take a picture of myself, in my bathroom mirror, sans flash. Please forgive me.

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