Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Aebleskiver, or Tiny Balls of Delicious

Step inside. I'd like to introduce you to something special...
I bet you didn't know that I'm Danish.

That's because I'm not. My manfriend is, but I do enjoy a tasty little Danish breakfast called Aebleskiver.

Once a year at our church (and on other occasions for Sunday brunch if the kids can talk Gramma into making them), we celebrate...hmmm. I'm not sure what we celebrate other than eating the delicious Aebleskiver. I guess we're celebrating togetherness. And possibly fat pants. Anyhoo, it's a great tradition and it is an awesome fundraiser for the church.

Aebleskiver Fest is just around the corner, and I intend to woo you with tales of delight.
You start with a hot, greased Aebleskiver pan. Ours is from a hardware store, but Williams Sonoma
has a ridiculously priced version of it here. They even have an electric version!

You add buttermilk. That makes it super yum.
There are meringued eggs.
Keep the squids busy.
We had two pans going because we're hardcore. At church they have a million going. No less than 10 anyway.
There's a knack to the cooking. William's Sonoma sells a fancy turner. This is a pickle fork.
We've used a coat hanger in a pinch.

Serve with sausage,
homemade applesauce and grape juice,
and cheese. The cheese flower is optional.
and enjoy. I didn't get too many eating action shots because, well, I was eating.
Not up to making Aebleskivers? No worries. You can come to Aebleskiver Fest, February 25th and get your eat on.

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